
Asoftwarelicensekeyisawaytomakesurethatonlythecorrectusersareabletoinstalland/orusesoftware(afteralicensehasbeenpurchased).,Thelicensekeyyouenteredisfor,whichdoesn'tmatchtheproductyouwanttoactivate(您輸入的授權金鑰是針對的,與要啟用的產品不 ...,AWindowsproductkeyisa25-charactercodeusedtoactivateWindows.Itlookslikethis:PRODUCTKEY:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX ...,...

What is a Software License Key and why it is important ?

A software license key is a way to make sure that only the correct users are able to install and/or use software (after a license has been purchased).

啟用授權金鑰時發生錯誤"The license key you entered is for ...

The license key you entered is for <OEM NAME>, which doesn't match the product you want to activate(您輸入的授權金鑰是針對<OEM 名稱> 的,與要啟用的產品不 ...

Find your Windows product key

A Windows product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows. It looks like this: PRODUCT KEY: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX ...

安裝EndNote要輸入認證密碼(product key)?

回答: 台大教職員工生安裝EndNote時,不用額外輸入任何認證碼!若安裝時出現要求認證(product key)的畫面,代表您解壓縮後,將檔案存於不同資料夾。請您將EN(版本)Inst.msi ...

Software License Key

A software licence key (also known as a product key) certifies that a copy of a program is original. It is usually a unique string of numbers and characters, ...

使用IBM License Key Center 取得授權碼

IBM License Key Center 是一款線上授權工具。您可以使用這個工具來產生或傳回IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) 或IBM Rational 產品授權碼。

Product Key 和License Key 有何區別?

產品密鑰是一次性授權,通常來自QNAP 經銷商。 一旦在QNAP NAS 或QNAP License Manager 網站上使用,它將在License Key 生成期間被撤銷。


大量授權金鑰(英語:Volume License Key,簡稱VLK)是軟體公司使用的一個詞彙,使用者購買大量授權,便會獲得一產品金鑰,該金鑰可安裝於多部電腦。